Monday, July 04, 2005

End of Days...

I put down my papers at my current job to take up a better job (better pay & better position). Now I am counting my last days at the current job. Coming to work, I feel like fish out of water everyday. I do not have any work to do; I do not have any role & responsibilities. It's completely like my employer is paying me unnecessarily. But still my manager wants me around until this monthend. (some stupid 'client billing' issues).

The other day I was talking to one of my colleagues who has also put down his papers. He told that he is enjoying his "end of days" (!) doing nothing at work and getting his usual handsome pay. I really don't understand why am I not able to enjoy this situation as that guy does? Does that mean I am loyal? Does that mean that I have the thing they call it as integrity?


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