hmmm...I had a bad experience with the 'One night at the call center'. I was eagerly waiting for the book and bought on more or less first day. But the book did not meet my expectation.
But other than Deception Point Dan Brown's other books are pretty good. I enjoyed them. I did not read DP based on the word of mouth. But there are people who said that DP is also good.
Upside down thing...there is a position in yoga right?
I think I would better wait... I do not want to get disappointed as I was in 'Deception Point'....
TailPiece info: This guy hangs upside down to write books... Crazy....(
hmmm...I had a bad experience with the 'One night at the call center'. I was eagerly waiting for the book and bought on more or less first day. But the book did not meet my expectation.
But other than Deception Point Dan Brown's other books are pretty good. I enjoyed them. I did not read DP based on the word of mouth. But there are people who said that DP is also good.
Upside down thing...there is a position in yoga right?
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