Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gone Green!!!

My recently acquired good habit is drinking green tea. Believe me it tastes so pathetic. First day I had, I almost threw up. But because of the benefits I am tolerating the taste and drinking every morning mixing with honey & lemon for the past couple of weeks now.

Benefits (source:

.......The main green tea benefits include helping with cancer, infections, high cholesterols issues, impaired immune function, cardiovascular diseases and rheumatoid arthritis. lowers cholesterols and aids in preventing heart attacks and strokes thanks that it prevents the formation of abnormal blood clots. This component also limit the negative effects of smoking and a diet with fat.
.........drinking green tea could help in dieting by allowing you to burn more calories. Also it can prevent tooth decay thanks that it is an excellent agent to fight bacteria!

Want to go green?

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