Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How to Avoid Mishaps?

Five Innovative Ways to Avoid Such Mishaps:

1. Building an invisible shield around the person behind the podium

2. Asking people to remove their shoes, socks, belts, wallets, handbags, hairclips, chains etc before they get in to the meeting hall

3. Wrapping a bandage on people's middlefinger tied with index finger. (you know the meaning of showing the middle finger in some culture)

4. Sticking a duct tape around the mouth of everyone in the meeting hall (ofcourse except the person behind the podium)

5. Go green. Avoid travels. Use Video Conferences instead of travels. Save the planet from carbon emissions & save yourself from the flying shoes.

Any more innovative ideas?


Kavi said...

Hope you had a tough brainstorming session to come up with such innovative ideas. an addition to your list...

6. VIPs to be trained in baseball so that they can catch the shoes and through it again on the offender's face.

just my two cents...

Seenivasan said...

@ Kavi

A tough one indeed. :)

Anuradha said...

Both shoes narrowly missed hitting him was the news. I was wondering how he managed to find out they were of 'Size 10'. Dont tell me, the president took the shoes from the ground, only to see its size...

Another idea here...

7. To speak without looking into a paper. To look at the crowd and address such that the speaker can be more alert just like how Bush was...

Well, if this is again a political trick for any sympathy waves, then no innovative idea can help...

Seenivasan said...

Sympathy wave??? No fool would have initiated sympathy wave thru this 'shoe-throwing' act.

There are even new games created in internet based on this. Very funny & creative.

Anuradha said...

Yeah i played the game too... most of the times i missed hitting him, or rather he escaped :-P

Seenivasan said...

I wonder whether he himself played it or not.