Sunday, August 02, 2009

Okay to jump ship?

Although my previous post sounds as if still there is plethora of opportunities out there, to make a career move I am still not sure whether it is okay to leave current employer and choose a new one.

Is it safe to jump ship at this (still) troubled time?

Need suggestions; Pour in please.


Arasan said...


Well market is bad, but you should try, I think there is huge mental block when it comes to jump, especially during recession. we have all possible threating scenarios in our mind and we convince ourselves that market is bad without even putting the big push, towards jump

Try 100%, you will see the results.

Well I have all same question when it comes my jump. Jump thought is at mind level, I haven't taken to next level because of fear of failure..

Arasan said...
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Arjun Seenivasan said...

Lemme try just for the heck of it.