Monday, September 07, 2009

What would you do?

If you were given more than sufficient money to manage your life and socio-economic status & were asked to retire & choose to do a job/business that is close to your heart with no worry about the income/profit what would you do?
Assume that you have:
- no liabilities
- no peer pressures
- no fear of failures
- no real pressure to make money

PS 1: if you choose not to do the same job that you are currently doing, don't worry you are not alone.
PS 2: whatever you choose to do - that's what you are passionate about. Aim & go for it. Good luck.
PS 3: if you don't know what you really want to do at this situation, well you are not alone either. Just think deeper & try to find out what would make you more happy with no constraints.
PS 4: Whatever is the case make sure you log that in the comments section.

Stress vs Sleep & Hair

I am becoming so worse at managing my stress now a days (that doesn't mean that I was any better before). I have even started physical activities like going for a long walk just to manage my stress level. Though a good thing to do that's not helping me much. I think it is time I learnt yoga & meditation. Stress is impacting the number of hours of my sleep. Lesser I sleep in the night higher the stress level next day. More stress again induces more sleep deprivation. It's becoming a spiral effect. I am losing so much of hair lately. I must blame it on the greater stress level and lack of sleep.
How do you manage your stress?

Who is liable?

Need judicial opinion on a situation.

There was a theft incident in the house that I am residing. INR 2000 worth of iron cover for man hole was stolen by some low life creatures. Moral dilemma is who is liable to replace this?

Is it the owner because he did not see this as a risk and secure the iron cover properly?

or is it me because I am residing in the house and am responsible for all the items that were provided in the house when I rented?

Don't suggest to get that low life creature. You know I can't.