Monday, November 26, 2007

McDonalds and War

"No two countries that both had McDonald's had fought a war against each other since each got its McDonald's" -
Golden Arches Theory by Thomas L.Friedman in his book 'The Lexus and The Olive Tree'

P.S: This has been proved wrong later. One example is India-Pakistan. Still I felt this theory interesting.


senthil said...

War is not so common these days. So we can make up a lot of statements with that.

And most of the wars recently have been between muslim and non-muslim nations. There could be statements espousing this too.

Siva said...

I think Friedman now feels a compulsion to coin such sentences/words. I saw he coined the term E2k the other day in NYT. Someone has to stop him.

Seenivasan said...

What is E2K?

Looks like out there there are lot of folks who don't like Friedman. I could see that from google search.

Baranidharan said...

No war... best joke I'm loving it

Seenivasan said...

@ Barani

"I'm loving it" - that's barani's timing & punch

Siva said...

Are there people who like him ? He tried coining E2k recently in his own stupid way. Check it here :

Forgets 2k is 2000. Like he forgot the meaning of the word flat.

Seenivasan said...

@ Siva

I read thru the article. Funny that he calls that as E2K.