Thursday, March 27, 2008

Has this happened to you?

Two people are travelling in a car on a highway. Both are maintaining silence. One person breaks the silence and starts humming or singing a nice song. The other person immediately reaches to the audio player & starts playing a song. The first person is left with confusion whether it was spontaneous action or intentional action to stop this person from humming/singing any more. Has this happened to you? I seem to experience this quite often with many different people. I am not that bad a singer though.


Sarangan said...

You have clearly mentioned that this is happening with lot of people.

Though, the accurate reason of this behaviour could not be traced except without individual answers, the behaviour as a whole could be analyzed with certain assumptions.

One of my assumptions would be "Majority of the People (in normal moods) when travelling with other people will tend to show a sense of adjustment even if the situation is uncomfortable for them"

Also, one of the corallary that I could obtain from your narration is that "Everyone showing the same behaviour (of switching on the audio players) when you start singing for the reason that they do not like you singing is too hard to believe (which will also violate our assumption)"

So, we can ignore the thought that they switch on the audio player because they do not like your voice. Now, let us come to the reasoning - Why they switch on the audio players?

Well, my guess would be that

1) They might not have given a thought about the audio players in the car for a long time.

2) And that you have mentioned you are travelling in silence. So, that might have bored their mind and even their mind would be searching for a change but still not caught the subject - music.

3) When you start humming, then their mind gets hold of a interesting subject music to get rid of the boredom.

4) The mind which was bored for a long time and suddenly found an answer might want to do something quick about it.

5) The natural choice would be auio players in the car. So, they could have switched it on.

So, they have not switched it on because they did not like your music. On the contrary, your humming served more as a catalyst for their mind to move towards music....

See, if this explanation fits...

Seenivasan said...

That's quite an impressive analysis. I have always assumed that my voice ain't bad and did my analysis. My analysis was more or less in the same line as yours.

But one thing I wonder about always is, is that happening only to me or to many people samething happens?

folks pls clarify...

Anonymous said...

when traveling with other people will tend to show a sense of adjustme. because adjustment is the part of life. we will understand feelings of other peoples.
one way one stop total outsourcing solutions.

Anonymous said...

This type of thing had never happened with me but it shows to make adjustment for better relation .

Anonymous said...

This is a situation postively decision to have better back up that thing had never happened but it makes honey between relation.
