Monday, March 24, 2008

Oh Patience, where art thou?

In my recent visits to passport office and BSNL office looking at the way they worked I analyzed how they could improve their productivity. That did help me in passing my wait time though. It was so visible that they were not being productive at all. In my few hours of observation I had hundreds of suggestions to improve their productivity. I was wondering whether did they have boss and did they really care about the employee productivity and etc.

Fast food, instant photos, online ticket bookings, faster time to market projects....I think with the way the world is evolving we are losing out the patience to wait. I could observe that evidently from the crowd when I was waiting in line at the passport office (even after an online appointment). Of all I did not have the patience at all. I wanted to slap the old lady sitting behind the desk and yell 'do you know what efficiency really mean?'. I didn't do it as I did not want to mess with my kid's passport.

A wise man in the line commented that these officies teach us how to be patient.


Anonymous said...

The man behind you (i assume) must have been truely a wise man or a battle hardened guy.

Seenivasan said...

yeah...must be.